Within the scope of its activity, Emsaúde Cuidados Médicos e Paramédicos Lda, headquartered at Estádio do Dragão - Entrada Nascente 4350-415 Porto, legal person no.º 506946886, which uses the distinctive sign Academia Clínica Espregueira, (hereinafter "Academia Clínica Espregueira"), collects personal data related to its Trainees, electronically and in person, ensuring that it is processed in accordance with the privacy protection rules emerging from Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and other applicable national legislation, as well as in accordance with the confidentiality duties to which Academia Clínica Espregueira is subject.

The data collected correspond to data provided by the students or potential students themselves, by filling out forms.


The entity responsible for processing is Academia Clínica Espregueira insofar as it is responsible for determining the purposes and means of processing the personal data of its Trainees.


Academia Clínica Espregueira undertakes to process personal data lawfully, transparently, with respect for the principle of good faith and with absolute confidentiality.

Personal data will only be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and will in no circumstances be processed in a way incompatible with those purposes.

Academia Clínica Espregueira guarantees that the personal data collected is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is collected and processed.

The data collected is processed by computer and stored in specific databases created and managed for this purpose by Academia Clínica Espregueira, in strict compliance with personal data protection legislation.


Academia Clínica Espregueira uses your data above to promote the education and training of professionals in the area of Life Sciences and Health, to contribute to scientific and technological progress and to disseminate scientific research and its results to the scientific and civil community.


Academia Clínica Espregueira may use other entities to provide certain services. If necessary, the provision of these services may involve access by these entities to the personal data of their trainees.

Academia Clínica Espregueira ensures that such subcontractors offer sufficient guarantees for the execution of appropriate technical and organizational measures so that the processing meets the requirements of the applicable law and ensures the security and protection of the rights of the data subjects, under the terms of the subcontracting agreement signed with said subcontractors.

Academia Clínica Espregueira may also transmit the personal data of its Trainees to third parties, when such data communications are necessary or appropriate (i) in the light of applicable law, (ii) in compliance with legal obligations/court orders, (iii) to respond to requests from public or government authorities.


Under applicable law, the students has the right to access his/her personal data and to its rectification, modification, correction, erasure (where applicable), limitation of processing (where applicable), as well as to request clarification and/or oppose the processing of personal data for legitimate reasons, and also to the portability of his/her data (where applicable). When applicable and possible, the student may withdraw consent, without this affecting or calling into question the lawfulness of the data processing carried out during the consent validly given.

To exercise any of their rights, including to access their data or request its rectification, elimination or oppose its processing under the law, students should, by letter, contact Emsaúde Cuidados Médicos e Paramédicos Lda, based in Estádio do Dragão - Entrada Nascente 4350-415 Porto, or via email: [email protected]


The period of time for which data is stored and retained varies according to the purpose for which it was collected. Where there is no specific legal requirement, the data will be stored and retained only for the minimum period necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and subsequently processed.

For marketing purposes, the personal data collected will be kept for a maximum period of 5 (five) years from the date of collection of consent or from the last contact made (whichever occurs last), without prejudice to the fact that consent may be withdrawn at any time.

Once the maximum retention period has been reached, the personal data will be securely destroyed.


Academia Clínica Espregueira undertakes to adopt the appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the data over which it is responsible for processing against accidental or unlawful interference that causes unauthorized destruction, alteration, disclosure or access, as well as any other form of unlawful processing.

To this end, Academia Clínica Espregueira has a set of security technologies and procedures to protect users' personal data from unauthorized access, use or disclosure, such as storing the personal data collected in computer systems with limited access and located in controlled facilities.


Academia Clínica Espregueira reserves the right to make adjustments or changes to this Privacy Policy at any time, and such changes will be duly publicized by Academia Clínica Espregueira.



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