Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practitioners

3rd Edition

November 14th, 2024
B1. F.I.F.A. Squirt





Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practitioners

In recent years, Sleep Medicine has become a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary medical discipline, essential in the diagnosis and therapy of sleep disorders. Currently, Competence in Sleep Medicine is established by the Portuguese Medical Association and can be achieved once a set of requirements approved by the National Council has been met. The knowledge of sleep, its mechanisms, its effects and its pathology has grown explosively in recent years; however, there is still an undervaluation of sleep-related manifestations, partly by patients, but also largely by the medical community. Thus, the approach to the patient with sleep pathology implies recognizing and valuing a set of complaints and manifestations, some of which are not always understood by the patient as a problem because they occur when he or she is asleep.

The high prevalence of the disease and the growing number of patients led us to propose a course mainly aimed at General Practitioners in order to provide them with the necessary knowledge for a better diagnosis, treatment, possible hospital referral and further follow-up of this type of patients.

We believe that due to the increasing possibilities to effectively treat sleep disorders and significantly reduce the health problems and mortality rates associated with these disorders, it is crucial to give due importance to sleep and its disorders. Taking into account that approximately one third of a person's life is spent in this state, this comprehensive course aims to highlight the importance of sleep and its disorders, providing fundamental knowledge to deal with them effectively.

We have structured and consolidated the program to achieve learning outcomes useful for medical practice in the primary health care setting. Therefore, the Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practice is composed of eight modules that address different aspects related to sleep and its medical implications. Each module is under the teaching responsibility of renowned experts in their respective fields, providing a comprehensive and integrated view of Sleep Medicine.


  Understand the importance and magnitude of the problem of sleep pathology in primary health care.
  Acquire knowledge of the physiological basis and chronobiological aspects of sleep for a better approach to sleep treatment.
  Familiarize yourself with sleep-related classification and anamnesis.
  Recognize sleep-wake cycle changes in psychiatric disorders and understand the implications for treatment.
  Identify sleep-disordered breathing, know when to suspect, how to screen and when to refer the patient for treatment and follow-up in hospital care.
  Recognize hypersomnias of central origin, parasomnias and sleep-related movement disorders, understanding how to suspect, treat and refer appropriately.
  Develop skills to identify sleep-related pathologies in otorhinolaryngology, know when to suspect and when to refer the patient for specialized treatment.
  Acquire knowledge of the medico-legal aspects related to sleep disorders, as well as understanding the effects of drugs and ventilotherapy on driving.
  Understand the relationship between sleep and physical activity, recognizing the limits between the benefit and the associated risks.
  Explore the challenges and possible solutions related to sleep and shift work.
  Improve the skills of assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic approach of sleep pathology in General Practice, through the discussion of clinical cases.

Module I - Basic Principles of Sleep Medicine

8:00pm | 9:00pm Maria João Sá

Sleep pathology in primary health care: the size of the problem and the size of the solutions

9:00pm | 10:00pm José Carlos Carneiro

Physiological bases and chronobiological aspects of sleep - what we should know to better treat sleep

Módulo II – O sono e a visão do neurologista

8:00pm | 10:00pm 

Hipersónias de origem central, parassónias e distúrbios do movimento relacionados com o sono. Quando suspeitar, como tratar e quando referenciar.

Module iii - Sleep and the pulmonologist's view

8:00pm | 10:00pm Vitor Melo

Respiratory sleep pathology. When to suspect, how to screen and when to refer. Treatment and follow-up in primary health care

Módulo iv – O sono e a visão do psiquiatra

8:00pm | 10:00pm Margarida Albuquerque

Classificação e anamnese. Estratégias gerais do tratamento da insónia. Alterações do ciclo sono-vigília nas doenças psiquiátricas-

Module v - Sleep and the otorhinolaryngologist's vision

8:00pm | 9:00pm JOÃO VIANA PINTO

Otorhinolaryngology and sleep disorders. When to suspect and when to refer

Module vi - Oral sleep medicine

9:00pm | 10:00pm Francisco Coutinho

Oral sleep medicine. Intraoral devices: their indication and use. Current and future perspectives

Module vii - Sleep and pharmacology

8:00pm | 9:00pm Joana Sá Ferreira

Medical-legal aspects of sleep disorders.

9:00pm | 10:00pm Carlos Franclim

Polypharmacy in FGM and its effects on sleep

Module VIII - Issues of daily practice

8:00pm | 9:00pm Nuno China Pereira

Sleep and physical activity - when the dose makes the poison

9:00pm | 10:00pm 

Sleep and shift work - solution in sight or mission impossible?

Module IX - Sleep and the role of psychology

8:00pm | 9:00pm Natalia Mendes

Cognitive-behavioral therapy: psychology for better sleep

Module X - Sleep in pediatrics

9:00pm | 10:00pm Marta Rios

Sleep in children - challenges and opportunities

Module XI - Sleep and the cardiologist's view

8:00pm | 9:00pm Sílvia Marta Oliveira

OSAS and cardiovascular risk factors.

Module XII - clinical cases

8:00pm | 10:00pm Maria João Sá and José Carlos Carneiro

Assessment, diagnosis and therapeutic approach of sleep pathology in FGM - discussion of clinical cases


José Carneiro
José Carlos Carneiro
FMAC + JSA Mª João Sá
Carlos Franclim
Carlos Franclim
Francisco Coutinho
Francisco Coutinho
Joana Sá Ferreira
Joana Sá Ferreira
João Viana Pinto
João Viana Pinto
Margarida Albuquerque
Margarida Albuquerque
Marta Rios
Marta Rios
Natalia Mendes Current
Natalia Mendes
Nuno China
Nuno China Pereira


Starts November 14, 2024.

The classes are live but you can watch them on a delayed basis whenever and however you want! You will have access to Replay of classes until 31 days after the last class of the course.

Registration fees:

1st price until 14/09/2024 - 180€
2nd price until 14/10/2024 - 230€
3rd price after 14/10/2024 - 280€

Phased payment 2x without interest:
70% - Upon registration
30% - After 30 days

The final classification in the course will result from the quantitative classification obtained by the final exam. The assessment comprises the answers to a 20-question multiple-choice exam. Each correct answer contributes 1 point to the final classification. The exam will be held at the end of the course.

The final evaluation of each course is expressed through a classification on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 points, with approval being considered as obtaining a minimum of 10 points.

The final classification of the course can be accompanied by a qualitative mention, expressed on the following scale: Sufficient (10 to 13), Good (14 and 15), Very Good (16 and 17) and Excellent (18 to 20).

According to the Portuguese legislation (DL 42/2005 of 22 February), grades below 10, on a scale from 0 to 20, imply failure.

At the end of the course, an evaluation instrument will be applied to measure the participants’ satisfaction with the training process and the conditions for carrying out the course, aiming at possible improvement actions.

At the end of the course, a Professional Training Certificate will be issued, in accordance with current legislation (Ordinance No. 474/2010 of 8 July), to all participants who successfully complete the vocational training. This certificate, as well as a diploma, will be made available in digital format in the participant’s area, on the EMSaúde website, within a maximum period of 30 working days, after the end date of the course. If the student does not succeed, a Certificate of Attendance in Vocational Training will be issued.

The Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practice is intended for general practitioners and other health professionals with an interest in the area.


Registration fees:

1st price until 14/09/2024 - 180€
2nd price until 14/10/2024 - 230€
3rd price after 14/10/2024 - 280€


  19 hours of training - 100% online, live
  38 hours of autonomous student work
  Recorded lessons, made available after live broadcast (exclusively online or on television), will no longer be accessible 31 days after the last live session broadcast of the course
  Vocational Training Certificate* or Vocational Training Attendance Certificate
  * In addition, the right to the Diploma issued by a FIFA, ISAKOS, ESSKA and ICRS accredited centre.
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Couple Using Their Phones In The Bedroom
Registration fees:

1st price until 14/09/2024 - 180€
2nd price until 14/10/2024 - 230€
3rd price after 14/10/2024 - 280€

Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practitioners

3rd Edition
Registration fees:

1st price until 14/09/2024 - 180€
2nd price until 14/10/2024 - 230€
3rd price after 14/10/2024 - 280€

Couple Using Their Phones In The Bedroom
Registration fees:

1st price until 14/09/2024 - 180€
2nd price until 14/10/2024 - 230€
3rd price after 14/10/2024 - 280€

Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practitioners

Fees and Emoluments
Admission Fee:

To validate your registration follow the steps:
  1. Download the application form here;
  2. Click on "Add to Cart" and formalize the application by completing the payment of the application fee.
  3. Fill out the application form and send it to [email protected]together with a copy of the citizen's card or identity card / tax card, curriculum vitae updated, qualification certificatea photo your current and proof of payment.
Couple Using Their Phones In The Bedroom
Registration fees:

1st price until 14/09/2024 - 180€
2nd price until 14/10/2024 - 230€
3rd price after 14/10/2024 - 280€

Advanced Course in Sleep Medicine for General Practitioners

Fees and Emoluments
Admission Fee:


To complete your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on "Add" and formalize the application by paying the corresponding fee.
  2. Please send your application and proof of payment of the application fee to [email protected] (Application elements: Copy of Citizen's Card or Identity Card/Contributor's Card, Full Address, E-mail, Telephone, Certificate of Qualifications and Curriculum Vitae).
Applications Open!

Postgraduate in Athletics - Specialization in Trail Running

Fees and Emoluments

Admission Fee: 50,00 €

To validate your application, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the application form here;
  2. Click on "Add" and formalize your application by paying the fee.
  3. Fill out the application form and send it to training@academiaespregueira.withYou should also bring a copy of your national identity card (front and back), a certificate of qualifications, a current photograph of yourself and proof of payment.


Payment options:

1. early bird (until September 15, 2024) and prompt payment:
  • 10% discount: 2106 €
2. Reduction of 5% (after September 15, 2024) in Prompt Payment:
  • o 5% discount: 2223 €
3. Phased Payment (Investment of 2340 €):
  • 50% - On registration: 1170 €
  • 25% - Until January 31, 2025: 585 €
  • 25% - Until April 30, 2025: 585 €
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