Wrong postures

In our daily activities, there is a natural tendency to assume wrong postures. What at first seems to be comfortable postures often turn out to be bad postures that place excessive demands on the bony vertebral structure and all the muscles, ligaments, and intervertebral discs that compose it.

Bad postures can even lead to anatomical changes again in the spine, leading to a panoply of joint, disc, and body alignment pathologies.

When assuming the sitting position, one should keep the hips slightly higher than the knees and the neck should not remain long in hyperextension or forced flexion.

On the other hand, when one is standing for a long time, it is essential to take the load off the lumbar spine. For this, one should avoid staying in the same position for long periods, while at the same time keeping the knees slightly bent and one lower limb slightly advanced in relation to the other.


Sedentary lifestyle

Physical activity plays a key role in the health of the musculoskeletal system. Immobility and sedentariness lead to muscle atrophy and loss of joint flexibility. The effects on the spine are devastating, because we are dealing with a structure composed of dozens of joints, supported by an important set of muscles.

Physical activity appropriate to one's physiological weight and age is central to maintaining a healthy spine.

Physical activities such as walking every day, swimming, gymnastics (Pilates, Yoga, etc.), bicycling, running, joint flexibility exercises, and exercises to strengthen the muscles of the core help to avoid spinal pain crises.

Therapeutic Pilates, when performed in credible centers, has proven to be very effective for spinal maintenance and therapy.



Weight loss

Our body is set up to carry the ideal weight for our height. Once this balance is upset, the health of the musculoskeletal system is compromised. Excess weight leads to the establishment of an excessive load on the spine.

In addition, being overweight almost always reflects an inadequate diet, which will cause an imbalance in our body, which will also have an influence on the maintenance of our body's health, and thus, consequently, on the spine.

It is best not to go more than five kilos above your ideal weight. If we keep a close relationship with our ideal weight, the probability of spinal pain decreases.


Author: Dr. José Marinhas - Coordinator of the Spine Unit at Clínica Espregueira | FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence




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