Professor Espregueira-Mendes talks about orthopedics on the RTP2 Civil Society Program

The Clinical Director of Clínica Espregueira - FIFA Medical Centre of Excelence , Prof. Dr. João Espregueira-Mendes , was invited by RTP2's program Sociedade Civil (Civil Society) to talk about the Human Body - the human body. Orthopedics.

Topics related to diseases of the locomotor system were covered, including:

Last generation therapies and surgical solutions for the treatment of these pathologies were also discussed. The advantages of the treatments proposed by the Clínica Espregueira group were discussed, namely:


Injury prevention sports was also addressed in this program, namely prevention of football injuries.

Academia Clínica Espregueira is dedicated to the training of health professionals by offering prevention courses taught by lecturers with a high level of national and international recognition.

Sports injuries have negative social, sporting, and economic impacts. But there is good news, i.e. it is possible to prevent most injuries by implementation of exercise-based programs of muscle strengthening, motor control, running technique, agility, pliometry, balance, etc., by running these programs twice a week for fifteen to twenty minutes. This attitude prevents more than 50% of the most frequent injuries in soccer and team sports in general.

The scientific evidence supports these programs and supports their implementation in order to guarantee access to physical activity, increasing the benefits and reducing the risks.

Sports injury prevention course - Orthopaedics

It is of utmost importance to involve all sports agents in the promotion of these programs. It has been shown that teams with lower incidence of injuries achieve greater sporting success and greater economic success. As a FIFA Medical Centre of ExcellenceClínica Espregueira, supports the activities of Academia Clínica Espregueira, contributing to the translation of evidence into practice, thus promoting the path to health, well-being and success.