Areas of study
The program includes essential and advanced training in nutrition and endocrinology, including weight management and control of chronic non-communicable diseases (e.g. obesity, diabetes), the gut-brain axis, functional foods, community interventions and dietary xenobiotics. Management training will focus on the fundamentals of management, leadership and negotiation, financial accounting, marketing services and company and business evaluation, with the aim of promoting literacy and success in professional practice, in the context of an office and/or economic and business unit.
Graduates who wish to develop their research skills can go on to study for a master's degree, as this postgraduate course is equivalent to the teaching component of the ESB's Master's Degree in Biotechnology & Innovation.
This training is aimed at nutritionists, doctors and other health professionals, as well as final-year students, subject to approval of applications by the postgraduate directors.
Each curricular unit may include a theoretical component, theoretical-practical component, seminars and/or case studies.
(area coordinator)
(area coordinator)
(area coordinator)
José Camolas
This unit aims to deepen and explore an integrated view of Nutrition and Metabolism, which will cover the following syllabus: Metabolism: overview and metabolism of macronutrients and micronutrients; Food & nutrition: life cycle and cardiovascular risk; Eating behavior & health; Eating patterns & health (including eating patterns, genetics, epigenetics and metabolomics and microbiota and nutritional status).
In this curricular unit, participants acquire and consolidate essential and practical knowledge for professional practice in the close relationship between endocrinology and nutrition. The syllabus includes: Endocrine axes throughout life (from childhood to puberty, hormonal adaptations in pregnancy and the puerperium and in ageing); Endocrine response to physical exercise: from physiology to maladaptive response; Thyroid pathology; Diabetes; Obesity and overweight (includes therapeutic approach to overweight: old & new); Food supplements & performance-enhancing substances (includes regulation, characterization of use and consequences of their use); Endocrine disruptors & health (includes conceptual model and translational impact on the overall health of the individual, impact during development and endocrine and metabolic consequences).
In this curricular unit, participants will acquire and consolidate essential and practical knowledge for weight management and control, which is crucial for the population's health and quality of life. The syllabus includes: Energy balance and weight loss (includes metabolic and behavioral changes during weight loss); Nutritional strategies for weight loss (includes Low carb vs. Low FatHigh-protein diets, Popular Diets, fad diets and dieting myths, the vegetarian dietary pattern); Weight loss: a look beyond diet (includes physical activity and exercise in weight loss, bariatric surgery, the role of sleep in weight management).
1. gut-brain axis
The microbiota-gut-brain axis is today considered an area of significant research interest and potential. This module will address the main metabolic pathways and the modulating action of diet, and others, on the gut microbiota, as a therapeutic measure to improve the health and well-being of the brain and possible applications in clinical practice.
2 Entrepreneurship in Nutrition
Participants acquire and consolidate essential, practical and structured knowledge to play leadership and negotiation roles in their teams, focused on gaining the skills needed to collaboratively solve the challenges of business development in the area of Nutrition in different business contexts.
3. case studies: Functional foods in health promotion
This module aims to deepen and explore the concept of functional food, its importance for health and present projects and practical cases, namely in improving the nutritional quality of food, optimizing and fortifying micronutrients, formulating new functional foods with a focus on promoting health by adding beneficial ingredients (probiotics, prebiotics, plant sterols, omega-3s, among others) or improving the quality of life of people with specific dietary needs by developing targeted modified foods (e.g. foods for lactose intolerants).
4 Designing community nutrition interventions
This module aims to deepen and explore the methodology inherent in each of the stages of developing a community intervention in the field of food and nutrition, with a focus on needs assessment, which is central to the development of an effective intervention, and on evaluating the impact of the intervention, a stage that is often difficult to achieve.
5.Dietary xenobiotics and metabolism: a guide to personalized nutrition and health promotion
This module aims to explore the relationship between the metabolism of xenobiotics, personalized nutrition and human health. Promote a comprehensive understanding of dietary xenobiotics and their impact on human health. Investigate the metabolic pathways involved in the biotransformation of dietary xenobiotics, explore their sources and evaluate their effects on health. Guide participants in designing personalized nutritional plans based on individual xenobiotic metabolism profiles, emphasizing the discussion of these concepts for health promotion and disease prevention.
Syllabus The concepts of money and currency. The value of money over time. The current value and future value of a capital and a group of capitals. Inflation and the real value of money. The functioning of markets in general. The credit market and the cost of money. The concept of opportunity cost. The concept, measurement and management of risk: an introduction. Risk and profitability: inseparable concepts.
In this curricular unit, participants will acquire and consolidate essential, practical and structured knowledge to perform leadership and negotiation in their teams. At the end of the course, participants will have the relevant knowledge to: foster engagement in employees, evaluating and promoting their development, establishing agreements and managing conflicts by considering alternatives for joint gain within a framework of collaborative resolution of challenges/problems.
Syllabus: Fundamental concepts. Objectives and users. Regulatory framework. Assets, flows and asset facts - Financial accounting vs. management accounting. Financial statements. Balance sheet. Income statement by nature and by function. Cash flow statement. Economic and Financial Analysis. Financial analysis methods and techniques. Financial structure, liquidity, profitability, activity and market ratios. CVR analysis: Critical sales point, safety margin and degrees of operational and financial risk.
Syllabus contents: The role of marketing and the value creation process. Strategic marketing planning. Consumer behavior and global markets. Defining, delivering and communicating value propositions. New marketing trends: digitalization, marketing automation, omnichannel and AI applied to marketing.
This course aims to develop the problem of analysis and evaluation (economic and financial) not only of investments in organizations, but also the evaluation of the companies themselves. In this way, it promotes the creation of a knowledge base that allows the perception and understanding of the main issues raised in the financial decision-making process, especially in the analysis and evaluation of investments, businesses and companies, as well as in the selection of available financing sources and instruments. Emphasis will be placed on illustrating how financial theory creates the appropriate framework for analyzing the investment and financing decision-making process within healthcare units. The syllabus covers the topics of financial decision-making, the investment appraisal process and the strategic and structural issues of financing decision-making.
This course aims to develop a Business Plan adapted to a specific case (theoretical or real) associated with the development of a business in the areas identified during this course.
Teaching and assessment model
The postgraduate course will be taught in accordance with the syllabus, training activities and objectives previously defined and publicized, and it is the responsibility of the promoters to guarantee all the pedagogical and logistical conditions for its proper functioning.
The postgraduate course will have a total duration of 225 hours of online training. The training sessions will take place weekly, on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 7pm to 10pm (some sessions may also be scheduled at other times, previously agreed with the trainees).
There is a minimum attendance requirement of no less than 75% of the total hours of classes taught in each of the nine modules. Attendance requires attendance online, live and with the obligation to have and keep the camera on. Failure to comply with this minimum attendance rate will, in principle, result in the module not being passed.
The assessment of knowledge is individual and is carried out separately for each module. It covers the students' performance during the course and at the end of the course. Grades will be awarded on a scale of zero to twenty.
The final grade obtained in the Postgraduate course is expressed on a quantitative scale of 0 to 20 points and will be calculated using the following weighting: Teaching Part - 80% + Final Work 20%.
Students who complete the Postgraduate course are awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Nutrition, Endocrinology and Management.
Tuition fees
The value of fees, tuition and other emoluments is set annually and published in a specific document (Table of fees and emoluments), so the values to be practiced in subsequent academic years may change.

* A 10% discount on tuition fees (non-cumulative) is available for former students who have successfully completed training at Academia Clínicas Espregueira. A discount of 10% will be applied to tuition fees (non-cumulative) for former students who have completed a degree course (bachelor's, master's or doctorate) or other training of more than 200 hours (MBA, General Management Course and other postgraduate courses of this duration) at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa.
The application will only be considered valid once proof of payment of the relevant fee has been provided.
The first monthly fee is due upon enrollment. The application fee is non-refundable under any circumstances, even if the student cancels their enrolment before starting the course.
José Camolas, Marta Correia and Nuno Côrte-Real


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