8:00pm | 9:00pm Rita Giro
Women in Sports – history, female participation, prevalence, trends and impact on the nutritionist profession.
9:00pm | 10:00pm Patrícia Coutinho
Physical and motor development – female vs male
8:00pm | 9:00pm Rita Giro
Metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins – Gender particularities and recommendations in the female athlete.
9:00pm | 10:00pm Rita Giro
Menstrual cycle and hormonal contraception – What influences sports performance.
8:00pm | 10:00pm Rita Giro
Anthropometric assessment and calculation of energy and nutritional needs
10:00pm | 11.00pm
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S).
8:00pm | 9:00pm Helena Trigueiro
Eating disorders in the female athlete - Nutrition intervention
9:00pm | 10:00pm Tânia Fonseca Rodrigues
Eating disorders in the female athlete - Psychology intervention
7:00pm | 8:00pm Mireia Porta Oliva
Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-S)
8:00pm | 9:00pm Inês Tomada
Nutritional considerations in special life circumstances - Adolescence, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause
9:00pm | 10:00pm João Rodrigues
Nutrition in strength and power sports - Focus on crossfit: physiological demands, anthropometry and athlete needs
8:00pm | 9:00pm RITA GIRO
Nutrition in intermittent sports - Focus on women's soccer: physiological demands, anthropometry and athlete needs
9:00pm | 10:00pm RITA GIRO
Nutrition in sports with aesthetic requirements - Focus on artistic gymnastics: physiological requirements, anthropometry and athlete needs
8:00pm | 9:00pm ana goios
Nutrition in endurance sports - Focus on running: physiological demands of the sport, anthropometry and athlete needs
9:00pm | 10:00pm Fernando Gonçalves
Nutrition in sports with weight categories - Focus on mixed martial arts (MMA): physiological requirements, anthropometry and athlete needs
8:00pm | 9:00pm ana goios
Sports supplementation - Particularities for female athletes
9.00PM | 9.30PM ana goios
Theoretical-practical class with case-study - running athlete
Theoretical-practical class with case-study - Crossfit athlete
8.00PM | 8.30PM Rita Giro
Theoretical-practical lesson with case-study - soccer athlete
8.30PM | 9.00PM Rita Giro
Theoretical-practical class with Case-study - Artistic Gymnastics athlete.
9.00PM | 9.30PM Fernando Gonçalves
Theoretical-practical class with Case-study: MMA athlete.
9.30PM | 10.00PM Rita Giro
Course Closure